... Ein Exkurs in die Prinzipien der Programmierung mit Java! Der Schwerpunkt des ersten Teils dieses Buches liegt auf der Vermittlung von Grundlagen und Strategien zur Problemlsung mit Hilfe von Java. Der zweite Teil fhrt fortgeschrittene Konzepte von Java ein, u.a. die Bereiche Suchen/Sortieren, Datenstrukturierung, Multithreading, Netzwerkprogrammierung, Database Connectivity sowie XML und Java Server Pages. (20030509)
- Offers an in-depth look into how Java relates to such technologies as searching, sorting, data structures, multithreading, networking, database connectivity, XML, and Java Server Pages
- Part I deals with fundamental principles of programming and problem solving
- Part II introduces advanced concepts of the Java programming
- Readers will find highlighted concepts and capsule introductions into advanced topics of computer science
- Perfect reading material for anyone interested in learning or reinforcing introductory programming concepts and who wants to take advantage of the exciting attributes of the Java language. (20030509)
Table of contents:
Fundamental Data Types.
An Introduction to Classes.
Applets and Graphics.
More About Methods.
Testing and Debugging.
Inheritance and Interfaces.
Event Handling.
Arrays and Vectors.
Graphical User Interfaces.
Streams and Exceptions.
Object-Oriented Design.
An Introduction to Data Structures. (20030610)
- Offers an in-depth look into how Java relates to such technologies as searching, sorting, data structures, multithreading, networking, database connectivity, XML, and Java Server Pages
- Part I deals with fundamental principles of programming and problem solving
- Part II introduces advanced concepts of the Java programming
- Readers will find highlighted concepts and capsule introductions into advanced topics of computer science
- Perfect reading material for anyone interested in learning or reinforcing introductory programming concepts and who wants to take advantage of the exciting attributes of the Java language. (20030509)
Table of contents:
Fundamental Data Types.
An Introduction to Classes.
Applets and Graphics.
More About Methods.
Testing and Debugging.
Inheritance and Interfaces.
Event Handling.
Arrays and Vectors.
Graphical User Interfaces.
Streams and Exceptions.
Object-Oriented Design.
An Introduction to Data Structures. (20030610)