In der Theologie Wilhelm Herrmanns (1846-1922), die gegenwärtig eine Renaissance erfährt, spielt das »überwältigende Bild des inneren Lebens Jesu« eine zentrale Rolle. Es steht für die singuläre Einigung von Hoheit und Demut, von Sittlichkeit und Religion, die nach Herrmann in Jesus von Nazareth erstmals geschichtliche Gestalt gewann. Wort und Bild treten in eine dialektische Beziehung, die im Erlebnis des Vertrauens zur Selbstwerdung des Menschen führen kann. Trotz dieser zunehmenden Betonung der Individualität des Glaubens verliert Herrmann nie dessen universale Bedeutung aus den Augen.Die Beiträge zum 100. Todestag Wilhelm Herrmanns setzen seine Theologie in ein Verhältnis zur Bildgeschichte nach Aby Warburg und zur Sittlichkeitsidee nach Hermann Cohen. Angeschlossen sind eine Porträtgalerie Herrmanns und Register.
[Image of Christ. Views of Wilhelm Herrmann's Theology]
In the theology of Wilhelm Herrmann (1846-1922), which is currently experiencing a renaissance, the »overwhelming image of the inner life of Jesus« plays a central role. It stands for the singular unification of majesty and humility, of morality and religion, which, according to Herrmann, first took historical form in Jesus of Nazareth. Word and image enter into a dialectical relationship that can lead to man's self-realization through the experience of trust. Despite this increasing emphasis on the individuality of faith, Herrmann never loses sight of its universal significance.
The contributions on the 100th anniversary of Wilhelm Herrmann's death place his theology in relation to Aby Warburg's pictorial history and Hermann Cohen's idea of morality. A portrait gallery of Herrmann and indexes are included.
[Image of Christ. Views of Wilhelm Herrmann's Theology]
In the theology of Wilhelm Herrmann (1846-1922), which is currently experiencing a renaissance, the »overwhelming image of the inner life of Jesus« plays a central role. It stands for the singular unification of majesty and humility, of morality and religion, which, according to Herrmann, first took historical form in Jesus of Nazareth. Word and image enter into a dialectical relationship that can lead to man's self-realization through the experience of trust. Despite this increasing emphasis on the individuality of faith, Herrmann never loses sight of its universal significance.
The contributions on the 100th anniversary of Wilhelm Herrmann's death place his theology in relation to Aby Warburg's pictorial history and Hermann Cohen's idea of morality. A portrait gallery of Herrmann and indexes are included.