Frontmatter -- PREFACE -- CONTENTS -- LIST OF CONTRIBUTORS -- Ultrastructural Changes in Wounded Plant Storage Tissue Cells / Barckhausen, Ralf -- Chemistry and Biochemistry of the Aliphatic Components of Suberin / Kolattukudy, P. E. -- Synthesis and Secretion of Cell Wall Glycoprotein in Carrot Root Disks / Sadava, David / Chrispeels, Maarten J. -- Membrane Systems and their Transformations in Aging Plant Storage Tissues / Benveniste, Pierre -- Lipid Metabolism in Aging Plant Storage Tissues / Mazliak, Paul / Kader, Jean-Claude -- Lipolytik and Lipoxygenase Enzymes in Plants and their Action in Wounded Tissues / Galliard, Terence -- Terpenoids and their Role in Wounded and Infected Plant Storage Tissue / Kuc, Joe / Lisker, Norberto -- The Biosynthesis of Phenolic Compounds in Wounded Plant Storage Tissues / Rhodes, J. Michael / Wooltorton, L. S. C. -- The Tissue Slice System as a Model for Studies of Host-Parasite Relationships / Uritani, Ikuzo / Õba, Kazuko -- Control of Glycolysis in Plant Storage Tissue / Davies, David D. -- Induction and Degradation of Enzymes in Aging Plant Storage Tissues / Kahl, Gunter -- Biogenesis of Cell Organelles in Wounded Plant Storage Tissue Cells / Asahi, Tadashi -- The Development and Control of Respiratory Pathways in Slices of Plant Storage Organs / Laties, George G. -- Slicing-lnduced Alterations in Electron- Transport Systems During Aging of Storage Tissues / Lance, Claude / Dizengremel, Pierre -- Control of Ion Transport in Plant Storage Tissue Slices / Steveninck, Robert F. M. van -- Studies on DNA and RNA Polymerase Activities and Ribosomal RNA in Plant Storage Tissue / Cherry, Joe H. -- Ribosome Metabolism in Excised Slices of Jerusalem Artichoke Tuber / Setterfield, George / Sparkuhl, Joachim / Byrne, Henry -- The Physiology of Ethylene in Wounded Plant Tissues / Yang, Shang Fa / Pratt, Harlan K. -- Phytohormones and the Regulation of Cellular Processes in Aging Storage Tissues / Rosenstock, Günter / Kahl, Günter -- Subject Index