In recent years, biodegradation and its application
in bioremediation of pesticides has proven to be an
appropriate method for treatment of polluted
aquifers that could be implemented either in-situ or
off-site in especially designed reactors or
wastewater treatment plant. In practice, activated
sludge process has been found very effective in the
treatment of organic compounds. However, in order to
treat toxic substances in such system, specific
microorganisms are required to be added with
controlled operating parameters. This book,
therefore, describes a recommended procedure of
toxic waste treatment. According to research
findings, degradation of Cypermethrin, a least water
soluble compound, only be possible in the presence
of isolated Pseudomonas organism and its
biodegradation rates significantly depend on
Cypermethrin concentration as well as operating
conditions like temperature, dissolved oxygen, rate
of agitation/aeration. Moreover, the mathematical
models obtained from the results may also be helpful
to scientist and engineers in designing and
operating an efficient pollution control treatment
in bioremediation of pesticides has proven to be an
appropriate method for treatment of polluted
aquifers that could be implemented either in-situ or
off-site in especially designed reactors or
wastewater treatment plant. In practice, activated
sludge process has been found very effective in the
treatment of organic compounds. However, in order to
treat toxic substances in such system, specific
microorganisms are required to be added with
controlled operating parameters. This book,
therefore, describes a recommended procedure of
toxic waste treatment. According to research
findings, degradation of Cypermethrin, a least water
soluble compound, only be possible in the presence
of isolated Pseudomonas organism and its
biodegradation rates significantly depend on
Cypermethrin concentration as well as operating
conditions like temperature, dissolved oxygen, rate
of agitation/aeration. Moreover, the mathematical
models obtained from the results may also be helpful
to scientist and engineers in designing and
operating an efficient pollution control treatment