Integrated farming is an improved version of mixed cropping, where not only crops but, varied types of plants, animals, fish and other aquatic flora and fauna including insects, mollusks and worms etc. are utilized for production. These are combined in such a way and proportion that each element helps the other; the waste of one is recycled as resource for the other, so that our overall production is enhanced, both in terms of quantity and quality, incidence of risk is reduced and the system becomes energy efficient as a whole. Measures for soil conservation, rainwater harvesting and also for prevention of water runoff and soil erosion are adopted. The organic wastes generated from the farms, cowshed, household and other subsystems within the farm are reused and if possible recycled. The inherent behavior of the livestock is utilized to save labour and costly inputs. Self-growing local plants and weeds are used for making compost and also as nutritional supplements for humans andcattle. Nitrogen-fixing trees are planted for enriching the soil and also for supplying food, fodder and fuel.