Long description:
Written as a practical introduction to biogas plant design and operation, this book fills a huge gap by presenting a systematic guide to this emerging technology -- information otherwise only available in poorly intelligible reports by US governmental and other official agencies. The author draws on teaching material from a university course as well as a wide variety of industrial biogas projects he has been involved with, thus combining didactical skill with real-life examples. Alongside biological and technical aspects of biogas generation, this timely work also looks at safety and legal aspects as well as environmental considerations. (20060918)
Table of contents:
- Development of world energy consumption
- Current global use and potential of biogas
- Main biogas components
- Side components: ammonia, hydrogen sulfide
- Main biogas substrates
Biochemistry and Microbiology
- Biogas evolving reactions
- Biogas producing bacteria
- Bioreactors
Safety and Legal Aspects
- Legal regulations
- Fire and explosion hazard
- Microbial safety
- Feasability studies
Biogas Plant Design
- Preprocessing of raw materials
- Bioreactors for simple fermentation
- Bioreactors for dry raw materials
- Bioreactors for low energy raw materials
- Bioreactors for mixed raw materials
Biogas Use
- Collection and storage
- Gas processing
- Generation of electricity and heat
- Biogas as supplement to natural gas
- Biogas as automotive fuel
Environmental Considerations
- Solid waste
- Wastewater
- General scheme and business model of a biogas plant
- List of suppliers. (20060517)
Written as a practical introduction to biogas plant design and operation, this book fills a huge gap by presenting a systematic guide to this emerging technology -- information otherwise only available in poorly intelligible reports by US governmental and other official agencies. The author draws on teaching material from a university course as well as a wide variety of industrial biogas projects he has been involved with, thus combining didactical skill with real-life examples. Alongside biological and technical aspects of biogas generation, this timely work also looks at safety and legal aspects as well as environmental considerations. (20060918)
Table of contents:
- Development of world energy consumption
- Current global use and potential of biogas
- Main biogas components
- Side components: ammonia, hydrogen sulfide
- Main biogas substrates
Biochemistry and Microbiology
- Biogas evolving reactions
- Biogas producing bacteria
- Bioreactors
Safety and Legal Aspects
- Legal regulations
- Fire and explosion hazard
- Microbial safety
- Feasability studies
Biogas Plant Design
- Preprocessing of raw materials
- Bioreactors for simple fermentation
- Bioreactors for dry raw materials
- Bioreactors for low energy raw materials
- Bioreactors for mixed raw materials
Biogas Use
- Collection and storage
- Gas processing
- Generation of electricity and heat
- Biogas as supplement to natural gas
- Biogas as automotive fuel
Environmental Considerations
- Solid waste
- Wastewater
- General scheme and business model of a biogas plant
- List of suppliers. (20060517)
"Die Autoren haben über Jahre eine umfangreiche Recherche zu diesem Thema angestellt und die Ergebnisse dieser in diesem umfassenden Buch zusammen gestellt. So ist dieses Buch jedem Experten im Bereich von Biogas ans Herz zu legen. Ebenso ist es aber auch für jeden Neuling leicht verständlich."
-- www.chemieseite.de
-- www.chemieseite.de