This book helps to study basic concepts of biosystematics and importance of classification; variation in structure-form-skin-colouration-scales-mouth-jaws-teeth-fins-spines and other structures used in taxonomic studies; induced breeding techniques; seed and brood transportation; external morphology and internal organization of elasmobranchs and teleost fishes; feeding habits in various group of fresh water and marine fishes, prawns, crabs, lobsters and cephalopods; qualitative and quantitative estimation of food consumption based on experimental studies and stomach content analysis; seasonal changes in food availability and food preference; food and feeding in relation to age; food selectivity; feeding intensity; feeding strategies and energies; artificial feeding- nutritional requirement- artificial feed preparation; growth of fish-absolute-relative-isometric and allometric growth of fish; the Cube law; methods for determination of growth; length frequency analysis; analysis ofgrowth check on hard parts like scales-otolith and vertebrae; length weight relationship; ponderal index; relative condition factor; gonado-stomach index; types of reproduction; parental care, migration.