This book is to make a theoretical discipline and professional backbone for interaction of new technology and biophilic architecture based on biophilic development strategies as a pioneer in new organized sustainable approach to architectural technologies as a way for better understanding for contemporary architecture especially in developing countries. Biotecture is a new trend in contemporary architecture which is going to be one of the most important parts of our future. Biotecture is an architectural paradigm which includes new approaches toward better style of architectural design such as greening, upcycling and energy efficient architecture. In historical perspective, Biotecture roots in traditional architecture of oriental countries such as Iran. Some determining factors such as learning from bionics, biomimetics and biophilic technologic architecture as well as new technologies, endogenous aesthetics, voronoi geometry and computer-based parametric technology show us new emerging arrows to future of architecture based on tolerance, participation, nature-friendly thoughts, sustainable strategies, biophilic development and prosperity which might be understand as "Biotecture".