Previously published as Felix's Adventure and Treasure Hunt by Jolly Paws. When Bita (short for "Big Tail" due to its prominent feature) a clever red fox smells a strange scent in the forest, he invites his friends Ellie the elephant, Max the monkey, Skyler the bird, Nibbles the rabbit, Tuck the turtle, and Bruno the bear to explore. Through fun and surprising challenges, they overcome obstacles in the deep forest. This delightful fox book for kids teaches children about unity and friendship, opening up wonders they could not have imagined, making it an enchanting forest adventure book. Teaching children about friendship is very important to build a solid foundation for their social and emotional development. Friendship helps children learn to share, listen and respect others. Having friends makes them feel loved, supported and more confident in their daily lives. Through friendships, children also learn how to resolve conflicts peacefully and build trust. This not only helps children develop communication skills but also promotes unity and mutual understanding in the community. Older children can read the story and enjoy it, but for younger children, parents or teachers should read with them and explain it to inspire them.
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