A black light or UV light is a lamp emitting electromagnetic radiation that is almost exclusively in the soft near ultraviolet range, and emits very little visible light. In medicine, forensics, and some other scientific fields, such a light source is referred to as a Black LightWood's lamp. Black light sources may be made from especially designed fluorescent lamps, mercury vapor lamps, light-emitting diodes, or incandescent lamps, with a lamp enclosure designed to reduce emission of visible light and pass desired parts of the ultraviolet spectrum. Black light sources may be used for decorative and artistic lighting effects, for diagnostic and therapeutic uses in medicine, for eradication of microorganisms, for observation or detection of substances that exhibit the fluorescent effect, curing of plastic resins, and for attraction of insects for eradication. Strong sources of long-wave ultraviolet light are used in tanning beds. Black light lamps are used for detection of counterfeit money. Powerful ultraviolet sources present a hazard to eyes and skin and apparatus using these sources requires personal protective equipment.