The latest Stan Turner thriller begins on the infamous Black Monday, October 19, 1987. As the stock market is taking a nosedive and the nation's banking system falls into crisis, Stan is asked by the CIA to help an operative unravel an IRS garnishment and ends up caught in a fire-fight between the CIA and the FBI. His day grows more complicated still as he receives the surprising news that he has been named as the executor of the estate of one Lottie West, who has died in suspicious circumstances and who--Stan soon discovers--has been hiding priceless art treasures stolen during World War II. So the last thing Stan needs is a visit from his law partner, Paula Waters, who tells him she wants to defend a man accused of killing the chairman of one of the troubled thrifts. And it's only Monday...
In Black Monday (Lean Press, Trade Paperback, Summer 2005) one of Stan's clients, a widow, is found murdered in her home along with eleven of her twelve dogs that were living with her. When Stan reviews the old woman's will, he discovers she has appointed him executor of her estate and that her beneficiary is the SPCA. He could kick himself for agreeing to be executor of Lottie West's estate and has no desire to act in that capacity since he's already in the middle of a high profile murder case, but there is nobody else to do it so he accepts the job and starts to dig into her affairs. Although she is living like a pauper, Stan finds an ice chest full of gold and silver coins under her house. This piques his interest in this mysterious woman and he set out to find out who she is and why she was murdered. In the course of the investigation, Stan discovers that the woman's dead husband was a lieutenant in the U.S. Army during World War II who apparently stole priceless art treasures that were entrusted to his care during the Allied occupation of Germany at the end of the war. Further investigation reveals that the stolen art is the famous Ludinburg Collection, a collection that includes a 9th century version of the Four Gospels, the Reliquary, and other gifts from kings and emperors who ruled numerous German states in the 9th and 10th century. With this knowledge, Stan is determined not only to bring the woman's killer to justice but to find the famous Ludinburg collection that has been missing for over 40 years. Stan teams up with Detective Bingo Besch of the Dallas Police Department to search for clues as to Lottie's murderer and the whereabouts of the famous art collection. While interviewing legitimate art dealers in Dallas, Stan finds an entry into the art underworld where he learns two pieces in the collections have already been sold. But the dealers involved claim most of the collection remains in tact and is hidden somewhere in North Texas. As Stan continues to search for the Ludinburg collection, so does Lottie's murderer and it's only a matter of time until their paths cross. While Stan is chasing down Lottie West's killer and looking for the Ludinburg Collection, he and his partner Paula Waters are also in the midst of the defending Jimmy Bennett accused of the murder of his father-in-law, the Chairman of Metroplex Savings and Loan. To further complicate matters Stan is drawn into a turf fight between the FBI and CIA involving the Iran-Contra Scandal and digs up information that could get him killed.
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In Black Monday (Lean Press, Trade Paperback, Summer 2005) one of Stan's clients, a widow, is found murdered in her home along with eleven of her twelve dogs that were living with her. When Stan reviews the old woman's will, he discovers she has appointed him executor of her estate and that her beneficiary is the SPCA. He could kick himself for agreeing to be executor of Lottie West's estate and has no desire to act in that capacity since he's already in the middle of a high profile murder case, but there is nobody else to do it so he accepts the job and starts to dig into her affairs. Although she is living like a pauper, Stan finds an ice chest full of gold and silver coins under her house. This piques his interest in this mysterious woman and he set out to find out who she is and why she was murdered. In the course of the investigation, Stan discovers that the woman's dead husband was a lieutenant in the U.S. Army during World War II who apparently stole priceless art treasures that were entrusted to his care during the Allied occupation of Germany at the end of the war. Further investigation reveals that the stolen art is the famous Ludinburg Collection, a collection that includes a 9th century version of the Four Gospels, the Reliquary, and other gifts from kings and emperors who ruled numerous German states in the 9th and 10th century. With this knowledge, Stan is determined not only to bring the woman's killer to justice but to find the famous Ludinburg collection that has been missing for over 40 years. Stan teams up with Detective Bingo Besch of the Dallas Police Department to search for clues as to Lottie's murderer and the whereabouts of the famous art collection. While interviewing legitimate art dealers in Dallas, Stan finds an entry into the art underworld where he learns two pieces in the collections have already been sold. But the dealers involved claim most of the collection remains in tact and is hidden somewhere in North Texas. As Stan continues to search for the Ludinburg collection, so does Lottie's murderer and it's only a matter of time until their paths cross. While Stan is chasing down Lottie West's killer and looking for the Ludinburg Collection, he and his partner Paula Waters are also in the midst of the defending Jimmy Bennett accused of the murder of his father-in-law, the Chairman of Metroplex Savings and Loan. To further complicate matters Stan is drawn into a turf fight between the FBI and CIA involving the Iran-Contra Scandal and digs up information that could get him killed.
Hinweis: Dieser Artikel kann nur an eine deutsche Lieferadresse ausgeliefert werden.