Disorders of the hemopoietic system are concerned with diseases of the blood and the bone marrow. Conventionally, it includes the study of constituents of circulating blood and thus comprises of diseases of red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets and bleeding disorders, and an account of blood groups and blood transfusion. The majority of guidelines suggested for bleeding disorders recommends the use of clotting factor replacement therapy before invasive oral surgery and the use of the inferior alveolar nerve block for restorative dental treatment. Successful protocols are the result of cooperation between hematologists and dentists. Dental professionals must be aware of the possible development of bleeding complications and as such, management protocols should be implemented. Communication and close co-operation with the medical care professional and particularly, with the hematologist, is essential. Taking a detailed medical history, following the principles of hemostasisand exercising rational clinical judgment, contribute to the effective dental treatment of patients with bleeding disorders.