On the eve of the blood-red moon, a night of ancient prophecy unfolds in the cursed city of Varnath, where a once-thriving civilization has been reduced to shadows and whispers. For centuries, the city has been haunted by a sinister tradition known as Blood Night-a ritual where the lives of the innocent are sacrificed to appease the dark gods that dwell beneath the earth. This night brings more than just death-it marks the beginning of a new era of terror, when the barriers between the living and the dead grow thin. Elysia, a young woman raised on the fringes of society, has always believed the legends of Blood Night to be just that-stories told to frighten children. But when her beloved brother is chosen as the night's sacrifice, Elysia is forced to confront the terrifying truth: the ancient gods are real, and their thirst for blood cannot be quenched. Desperate to save him, Elysia uncovers an ancient and forbidden magic that may hold the key to breaking the curse. But as the night wears on, she finds herself entangled in a web of secrets, betrayals, and unspeakable horrors that threaten to consume not only her brother but the entire city. The deeper she dives into the mysteries of the gods, the more she realizes that the true cost of stopping the ritual may be far greater than she ever imagined.
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