Blue Star, a gripping series opener, introduces Detective Sergeant Alex Desocarras, an Indigenous RCMP officer stationed in the town of 100 Mile House in British Columbia's beautiful and rugged South Cariboo. Alex Desocarras has been a police detective for fifteen years and his solve rate is legendary, but his latest case has his gut in a knot. Carey Bolton, a Gits'ilaasü girl, was kidnapped one night after soccer practice. An anonymous tip that she was taken to an address in Vancouver, BC -1,200 kilometres from home, proved to be a dead end when the VPD reported the house empty. When the kidnapping of Anishinaabe filmmaker, Morgan O'Meara, lands in Desocarras' jurisdiction, Sergeant Jeri Fernice, VPD Missing Persons, reaches out with evidence that links the O'Meara and Bolton kidnappings. Following his first real lead, gleaned from a tweet meant for O'Meara, Desocarras is forced undercover when he identifies yet another victim and a high-ranking RCMP officer becomes his main suspect. Formerly published as End of Innocence.