1. Introduction Andrew Strathern; Part I. Transcending Dichotomies: 2.
'It's a boy', 'It's a girl!': reflections on sex and gender in Madagascar
and beyond Rita Astuti; 3. Modernity and formative personhood in Melanesia
Edward LiPuma; 4. Refiguring the person: the dynamics of affects and
symbols in an African spirit possession cult Ellen Corin; 5. Body and mind
in mind, body and mind in body: some anthropological interventions in a
long conversation Michael Lambek; Part II. Transitions, Containments,
Decontainments: 6. Treating the affect by remodelling the body in a Yaka
healing cult Rene Devisch; 7. To eat for another: taboo and the elicitation
of bodily form among the Kamea of Papua New Guinea Sandra Bamford; 8.
Electric vampires: Haya rumors of the commodified body Brad Weiss; Part
III. From Exchange to History: 9. Creative possessions: spirit mediumship
and millennial economy among Gebusi of Papua New Guinea Bruce M. Knauft;
10. Dis-embodiment and concealment among the Atbalmin of Papua New Guinea
Eytan Bercovitch; 11. Melpa and Nuer ideas of life and death: the rebirth
of a comparison Andrew Strathern and Pamela Stewart; Afterword Janice