'He's not the enemy, Ken." 'Say that when you're in handcuffs. Titillating conversation is the perfect compliment to bondage. And what a splendid idea. Perhaps Sparkle will lend us a pair of his handcuffs." 'Got company?" 'Indeed I do." 'Then shut up and hang up. I'll be right there. I just have to throw on some clothes." 'Don't trouble yourself on my account." I sighed in exasperation before setting the receiver down with more force than was absolutely necessary. That man could get under my skin faster than anyone I knew. Physically fit and perfectly coiffed, millionaire bachelorette Ivy Edwards returns to her hometown of Plowersville, Missouri, for a museum charity event. When the event turns deadly, Ivy, the charity's wealthiest benefactor, feels compelled to contribute her own funds and effort to solve the crime-a task complicated by the chemistry between Ivy and most of the male suspects.
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