Social scientific knowledge must be managed efficiently, so that it contributes to the development of society in Cuba. To this end, it is important that the dialogue of knowledge produces and results in new knowledge, in order to change the basis of the thinking that has contributed to the creation of the problems, which today need to be resolved with integrative thinking. The purpose of this article is to contribute to that basic reflection. The starting premise: how did the way in which social scientific knowledge was thought about in Cuba, in terms of the project of the nation assumed in January 1959, influence its management?The research on this important subject showed that, independently of the official discourses and policy intentions, there are still important contradictions in its practice, manifested in certain instrumentalization and the subjection to dissimilar restrictions, which have arguments in the external and internal tensions to which the Cuban nation is alwayssubjected. The borders that limit it are not personal or social, individual or collective; they are epistemological borders that emanate from the knowledge that enters into dialogue.