Bozo, a village shopkeeper, embarks on a journey with his donkey, Karo. He is seeking to bring special new goods and children's toys from the city of lights to sell in his shop in time for approaching Kurdish spring new year celebrations. The journey would have to be made through a mysterious mountain pass, the only path to the city of lights. Legends spoke of the existence of a horrible hostile dragon preventing anyone passing through and anyone who attempted to cross never came back or was heard from again. Bozo decided to take this dangerous journey with Karo, despite the advice of a village elder telling him not to. Bozo bids farewell to his family and the gathered villagers who wish him a safe journey across the winding path leading to the mountain pass and the city of lights. Will they ever come back alive to tell the story of their adventures, and reveal if they ever encountered the dragon in their way? And will they be able to get the special goods on time for the new year celebrations?
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