SAPCON operates in a challenging environment. Regulation, new technologies and market developments endanger the profitability. Future prospects determine SAPCON to boost its performance. The project SAPCON was launched to emerge efficient processes, simplify methods, alignment of tools, the organization and its dimensioning. A review of Group Management requirements for different stakeholder was carried out (i.e. external reporting, like supervisory board). The Planning Content was reduced by focused set of KPIs. Validation of Group Management practices with line organization displayed feasibility. Alignment of Chart of Account to a minimum, still to enable a system wise creation of the KPI set was finalized. Interfaces to Tax, Accounting and Finance are linked in- and outside the IT solution. Aggregated PL, BS and CF statements can be delivered. The Planning model focuses the management view and ensures a mapping to legal view. Different Perspectives can be displayed like regional, technical, capital market and organizational nature.The Hierarchy is limited to approximately 100 manageable Units. Introduction of Planning Units enable to streamline organization and enhance skills. Workload can be more flexible allocated. Appropriate Methods will be used for different businesses accordingly to the volatility, size and relevance in group planning. Middle up Approach will replace in most cases bottom-up approach. Through Functional Controlling the link of group planning to business and local requirements will be guaranteed.