Branded Entertainment, a term closely linked with content marketing and product placement, has grown exponentially in the past decade, providing marketers with new opportunities to connect with consumers on new platforms and in new, non-interruptive ways. As the Branded Entertainment industry has matured, we've seen the real marketing value it can bring to brands and the music & culture scene. But a demand-oriented refurbishing of essential components for both the planning and measurement of Branded Entertainment is needed to make it into a credible firm pillar in the marketing mix. A demand-oriented process should provide a consistent structure that can flex for all types of Branded Entertainment culture programs, regardless of whether they are primarily place bound in the course of an event, they are firmly tied to webbased platforms, or they are cross-media concipated. The primary objective of this book is the workup of specific and essential components for an effective work between brands and the music & culture scene according to scientific standards.