For over three decades, Bill Jones has served simultaneously in two distinct yet complementary arenas: the university campus and world missions. At Columbia International University, known for its strong Bible teaching, Jones served as a professor and then president. Currently he serves as the university's chancellor. At Crossover Global, a church-planting organization he cofounded to provide gospel access among unreached people groups, he served first as president until becoming chairman of the global board.
1. Britain since 1945 2. The social and economic context of British
politics 3. Political culture 4. Changing political ideas 5. The changing
party system 6. The changing constitution 7. The electoral system and
representation 8. Opinion polls 9. Electoral behaviour 10. Political
recruitment 11. The media and politics 12. The Monarchy and the House of
Lords 13. The House of Commons 14. The redress of the citizens' grievances
15. The role of the Prime Minister 16. The Civil Service 17. Government and
economy 18. Pressure groups 19. Is local government necessary? 20. Britain
and the European Union 21. Political concepts