Brothers Of The Four Corners follows the lives of two parent-less brothers, close in age who become the Cain and Able of modern times. Billy and Bruce Aben began as characters in my short story collections until I decided to include them as featured players in the novel. The Aben's are inspired by real, troubled siblings. Bruce Aben is the balding, nerdy nebbish, staunch and honest, a 9 to 5 computer technician, a conservative type who carries a cheese sandwich on white bread and apple to work, wears galoshes, is a germ-a-phoebe who scrubs his body and brushes his teeth five to six times a day, and carries a spray bottle of ammonia to clean everywhere he sits. Bruce fears death as illustrated by a slew of doctors on constant call, and continuously works on retirement scenarios despite being young. And, then there is the neurotic thoughts, always debating whether he is acting in a good or bad in every waking moment. Bruce is a good listener, rarely gets angry, doesn't smoke or drink and is compassionate. He remains unmarried at thirty-five though he has tried to find someone. Billy Aben, college educated, fast talking, fast-dealing, good looking, slick-backed hair, dressed in tightly spun sports jackets, contoured pants and shiny Italian shoes, stands out. His motto, morality is for suckers. He is always on the lookout for the next mark to invest in his scheme, that includes Mercantile Exchange speculation in coffee, soybean, tea, precious metal futures. Billy is usually smiling, shaking hands and speaking confidently about some grand design. He;s the rebel who despises middle class values, and luxuriates in a life lead above the law. Morality is for morons. What matters is making a quick buck by manipulating the fraudulent financial system. What plays out is Bruce playing the victim, while Billy plays the victimizer. "Stop taking shortcuts in life," Bruce admonishes Billy.. "It isn't too late. Go back to your career as an urban planner and apply yourself. You were on your way to a great career." Billy counters. "Why should I listen to you. You're the classic weak sucker. Even our father couldn't respect you. Thought you were spineless. What so great about your life anyway. You don't have a wife or children, live in a one bedroom apartment, and have a dead end job. Why would I ever listen to such a loser." Back and forth they go. The passing years only make things worse. Billy's goal becomes making his brother suffer while Bruce assumes the role of his brother's keeper until it is too late.
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