Buddhismus ist heute in vielfältigen Formen auch in westlichen Gesellschaften angekommen und wird häufig mit meditativen Techniken, Achtsamkeit, psychologischer Hilfe oder mystischem Erleben assoziiert. Wie aber kam es zur Ausbildung dieses Phänomens? Wie entwickelten sich entsprechende Diskurse über Buddhismus als Religion, Mystik, Psychologie, Lebenshilfe und Therapie? Wie genau sahen die christlich-buddhistischen Übersetzungs- und Rezeptionsprozesse aus? Die vorliegende Studie geht anhand detaillierter Analysen diesen Fragen in historischer, religionswissenschaftlicher sowie interkulturell-theologischer Perspektive nach. Hierbei geht es um ein vertieftes Verstehen als Grundlage für konstruktive Begegnung und Kommunikation im Feld interreligiöser Beziehungen und Spiritualität.
[Buddhism in discourse. Studies on resonance and dialogicity in Christian-Buddhist encounters]Buddhism has arrived in western societies in manifold ways and its forms are often associated with meditative techniques, mindfulness, psychological help or mystical experiences. How did this phenomenon come about? How did corresponding discourses on Buddhism as religion, mysticism, psychology, life support and therapy develop? What exactly did Christian-Buddhist translation and reception processes look like? The present study uses detailed analyses to investigate these questions from a historical, religious studies and intercultural theological perspective. This is about a deeper understanding as a basis for constructive encounters and communication in the field of interreligious relations and spirituality.
[Buddhism in discourse. Studies on resonance and dialogicity in Christian-Buddhist encounters]Buddhism has arrived in western societies in manifold ways and its forms are often associated with meditative techniques, mindfulness, psychological help or mystical experiences. How did this phenomenon come about? How did corresponding discourses on Buddhism as religion, mysticism, psychology, life support and therapy develop? What exactly did Christian-Buddhist translation and reception processes look like? The present study uses detailed analyses to investigate these questions from a historical, religious studies and intercultural theological perspective. This is about a deeper understanding as a basis for constructive encounters and communication in the field of interreligious relations and spirituality.