This collection posits three questions. 1) What structures of violence and oppression are experienced and shared by human and nonhuman laborers working and dying in these necropolitical facilities? 2) If there is an intersection between class and species, which, in turn incorporates race, gender, abilities, and other categories of oppression, in which ways is the contemporary Animal Activist Nonprofit Sector (AANS) reifying or disrupting these hierarchies in its mission towards animal liberation? 3) If there are classist and racist biases in AANS, how can the AANS incorporate social class in dialogue with the liberation of nonhuman animals in order to build strategic alliances and coalitions between social movements and political subjects? This book not only envisions a world without these hierarchies but offer tangible steps the AANS can take to achieve liberation for human and nonhuman animals.
Building Power through Multispecies Resistance Against Exploitation draws on the work of some of the most important activist-scholars in the field at present. In foregrounding the violent landscapes of animal work, labor, and (resistance to) death, the book deepens our understanding of the interconnectedness of human and non-huma animal oppression in highly original and significant ways. Most importantly, these insights are drawn on to provoke new imaginaries into being - ones that might yet inform new approaches to interspecies solidarity that have potential to move us closer toward the liberation of all animals, humans included. It is an excellent, rigorous, and accessible publication, and one that deserves to be read widely. Richard J. White Co-Editor of Vegan Geographies: Spaces beyond Violence, Ethics Beyond Speciesism