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Inhaltsverzeichnis (englischsprachige Ausgabe) Copyright Acknowledgments Introduction Chapter 1. Flexible Text Size text using keywords and percentages or ems to allow user control and maximum flexibility A Common Approach Weighing Our Options A Bulletproof Approach Why It's Bulletproof A Flexible Base. Now What? Working with Keywords and Percentages Flexible Text Using Ems Summary Chapter 2. Scalable Navigation Provide site navigation that scales to any text size or content amount A Common Approach Why It's Not Bulletproof A Bulletproof Approach Why It's Bulletproof A Variation Using Ems…mehr

Inhaltsverzeichnis (englischsprachige Ausgabe)
Chapter 1. Flexible Text
Size text using keywords and percentages or ems to allow user control and maximum flexibility
A Common Approach
Weighing Our Options
A Bulletproof Approach
Why It's Bulletproof
A Flexible Base. Now What?
Working with Keywords and Percentages
Flexible Text Using Ems
Chapter 2. Scalable Navigation
Provide site navigation that scales to any text size or content amount
A Common Approach
Why It's Not Bulletproof
A Bulletproof Approach
Why It's Bulletproof
A Variation Using Ems
Additional Examples
Chapter 3. Expandable Rows
Resist specifying height and plan for vertical expansion of horizontal page components
A Common Approach
Why It's Not Bulletproof
A Bulletproof Approach
Why It's Bulletproof
Another Example of Expanding
Chapter 4. Creative Floating
Use floats to achieve grid-like results
A Common Approach
Why It's Not Bulletproof
A Bulletproof Approach
Why It's Bulletproof
Chapter 5. Indestructible Boxes
Plan for the unknown when constructing styled boxes
A Common Approach
Why It's Not Bulletproof
A Bulletproof Approach
Why It's Bulletproof
Other Rounded-Corner Techniques
Box Hinting
Chapter 6. No Images? No CSS? No Problem!
Ensure that content is still readable in the absence of images or CSS
A Common Approach
Why It's Not Bulletproof
A Bulletproof Approach
Why It's Bulletproof
With or Without Style
The Dig Dug Test
Bulletproofing Tools
Chapter 7. Convertible Tables
Strip the presentation from data tables, and refinish with CSS
A Common Approach
Why It's Not Bulletproof
A Bulletproof Approach
Why It's Bulletproof
Chapter 8. Fluid and Elastic Layouts
Experiment with page layouts that expand and contract
A Common Approach
Why It's Not Bulletproof
A Bulletproof Approach
Why It's Bulletproof
Em-Based Layouts
Chapter 9.Putting It All Together
Apply bulletproof concepts to an entire page design
The Goal
Why It's Bulletproof
The Construction
CSS Adjustments for IE
[...]Wenngleich ähnliche Inhalte und Techniken bereits im Internet [...]veröffentlicht und beschrieben worden sind, wird jemand, der mit Webdesign zu tun hat, gern zu diesem Fachbuch greifen - selten findet er Fachwissen in derart ansprechender Form vermittelt. - c't Mai 2006