In the dark alleys of Yokohama, where crime and corruption run rampant, a group of individuals with extraordinary abilities battles not only the underworld but their own inner demons. The Armed Detective Agency, a secret organization of gifted individuals, has one mission: to protect the city from the rising tide of mafia violence and supernatural threats. But in a world where the lines between hero and villain blur, their biggest challenge may not be the enemies they face-but the complex web of loyalty and betrayal within their own ranks. At the heart of the agency is Atsushi Nakajima, a young man with the ability to transform into a tiger-an extraordinary power that makes him both a weapon and a target. As he struggles to understand his place in the world, he finds himself caught between two opposing forces: the Port Mafia, a ruthless criminal organization led by the enigmatic and dangerous Dazai Osamu, and the agency he has joined, which fights to protect the innocent from the very same mafia. As tensions rise and secrets are revealed, the fate of Yokohama hangs in the balance. Atsushi must navigate the deadly world of crime, betrayal, and shifting allegiances, all while facing the dark truths of his own past. With enemies both within and outside the agency, every move could be his last.
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