Book Description: A heartwarming tale inspired by a true story, "Butterflies, Whispers, and Giggles" follows five-year-old Trinity, a bright-eyed kindergartener whose words dance freely at home but hide away at school. Living with her mom and four loving siblings, Trinity fills their yellow house on Maple Street with endless stories and laughter. But each morning at school, she faces the challenge of selective mutism, where her voice retreats into a quiet corner of her heart. Through the patient guidance of her teacher Ms. House, the unwavering support of her siblings Blair, Makayla, Sierra, and Colt, and her own growing courage, Trinity embarks on a touching journey from silence to center stage. Educational Value: * Helps children understand selective mutism * Encourages empathy and inclusion * Shows the importance of family support * Demonstrates that progress happens differently for everyone * Celebrates small victories Perfect For: * Children ages 4-8 * Families dealing with selective mutism * Teachers and school counselors * Siblings of quiet children * Anyone who has felt different or scared
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