A consumer is a buyer, a producer is a buyer and a buyer is a consumer or a producer. The present study was planned with the main objectives of finding out the pattern of buying practices of low income group people of our Indian society. This study was completed in various steps as: pre preparation and filling up of the questionnaire, tabulation of the data collected and statistical calculations as 't-test' to know the effect of education on the consumer's awareness and the percentage were calculated for the major decision taker, actual buyer of the items, frequency of the purchase, payment pattern, buying practices under specific conditions, the problems faced by the respondents and actions taken by them. This study revealed that the respondents were of low income group and adopted good buying practices in each area of purchase but majority of them preferred credit purchasing from their nearer shop. The decision taker and the actual buyer for the goods were the home maker and were satisfied regarding their purchase. Similar studies may enhance and improve the consumer's and buyer's behaviors as to check the standard marks, expiry dates, quality certificates etc.