Die ästhetische Kategorie Camp erlebte Mitte der 1960er Jahre eine Konjunktur. Was vorher eine randständige Ästhetik und vor allem die theatrale Praxis homosexueller Männer bezeichnet hat, ist plötzlich in aller Munde. Camp Ästhetik findet sich auch im »Neuen Deutschen Film« als politisch ästhetischer Dimension von Gegenöffentlichkeit. Camp markiert dabei ein Moment des Nicht-identischen, das den identitätspolitischen Bemühungen, definierbare politische Subjekte hervorzubringen, entgegenläuft. Ausgehend von bestehenden medienarchäologischen Arbeiten zum New Yorker Underground und den Arbeiten Jack Smiths und Andy Warhols wird die bisherige Camp-Forschung mit Arbeiten des »Neuen Deutschen Films« in Beziehung gesetzt.
The aesthetic category of camp experienced a boom in the mid-1960s. What had previously signified a marginalized aesthetic and the theatrical practice of homosexual men was suddenly on everyone's lips. Camp aesthetics also emerge in the "New German Film", as a politically aesthetic dimension of counter-publicity. Camp marks a moment of non-identity that runs counter to the identity-political efforts to produce definable political subjects. Based on existing media-archaeological works on the New York underground and the works of Jack Smith and Andy Warhol, previous research on camp is placed in relation to works of the "New German Cinema".
The aesthetic category of camp experienced a boom in the mid-1960s. What had previously signified a marginalized aesthetic and the theatrical practice of homosexual men was suddenly on everyone's lips. Camp aesthetics also emerge in the "New German Film", as a politically aesthetic dimension of counter-publicity. Camp marks a moment of non-identity that runs counter to the identity-political efforts to produce definable political subjects. Based on existing media-archaeological works on the New York underground and the works of Jack Smith and Andy Warhol, previous research on camp is placed in relation to works of the "New German Cinema".