The question regarding the preventability of cancer is one of great interest and debate. This book presents all the available evidence on the subject, by describing the occurrence of, and variations in, the different forms of cancer. It provides information on risk factors causally associated with human cancer and estimates the extent to which deaths from cancer at specific body sites could actually be prevented. Following an outline of the methods of descriptive epidemiology, data are presented on occurrence of cancer at all the main sites. Various categories of carcinogenic agents are then reviewed, such as single chemicals, complex mixtures, drugs, radiation, diet, and biological factors. Prevention is reviewed in terms of the effects of screening and of possibilities for primary prevention.
Table of contents:
Introduction; PART I. THE OCCURRENCE OF CANCER: Measuring the burden of cancer; Objectives and methods of descriptive epidemiology; Descriptive epidemiology of cancers at specific sites; PART II. THE CAUSES OF CANCER; Defining cause; Single environmental agents; Complex exposures; Drugs and exogenous sex hormones; Radiation; Tobacco; Alcohol drinking; Viruses and other biological agents; Diet; Pollution; Endogenous hormones, reproductive factors and sexual behaviour; Psychological factors; Socioeconomic factors; PART III. EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER: Description of screening measures; Effects of population screening measures; PART IV. THE CONTROL OF CANCER THROUGH PREVENTION AND EARLY DETECTION: Quantification of effect; Site-by-site quantification of the effects of preventive measures; Conclusion; Appendix; Subject Index.
The question `is cancer preventable?' is one of great interest and debate. This book presents all the available evidence on the subject by describing the occurrence of, and variations in, the different forms of cancer. It provides information on risk factors causally associated with human cancer and estimates the extent to which deaths from cancer at specific body sites could actually be prevented. Following an outline of the methods of descriptive epidemiology, data are presented on occurrence of cancer at all the main sites. Various categories of carcinogenic agents are then reviewed, such as single chemicals, complex mixtures, and radiation. Prevention is reviewed in terms of the effects of screening and of possibilities for primary prevention.
Table of contents:
Introduction; PART I. THE OCCURRENCE OF CANCER: Measuring the burden of cancer; Objectives and methods of descriptive epidemiology; Descriptive epidemiology of cancers at specific sites; PART II. THE CAUSES OF CANCER; Defining cause; Single environmental agents; Complex exposures; Drugs and exogenous sex hormones; Radiation; Tobacco; Alcohol drinking; Viruses and other biological agents; Diet; Pollution; Endogenous hormones, reproductive factors and sexual behaviour; Psychological factors; Socioeconomic factors; PART III. EARLY DETECTION OF CANCER: Description of screening measures; Effects of population screening measures; PART IV. THE CONTROL OF CANCER THROUGH PREVENTION AND EARLY DETECTION: Quantification of effect; Site-by-site quantification of the effects of preventive measures; Conclusion; Appendix; Subject Index.
The question `is cancer preventable?' is one of great interest and debate. This book presents all the available evidence on the subject by describing the occurrence of, and variations in, the different forms of cancer. It provides information on risk factors causally associated with human cancer and estimates the extent to which deaths from cancer at specific body sites could actually be prevented. Following an outline of the methods of descriptive epidemiology, data are presented on occurrence of cancer at all the main sites. Various categories of carcinogenic agents are then reviewed, such as single chemicals, complex mixtures, and radiation. Prevention is reviewed in terms of the effects of screening and of possibilities for primary prevention.