Learning resource limitations are critical factors
that influence the stability and future development
of SMEs. This publication explores how learning
networks help SMEs develop capabilities by resolving
their resource limitations. SMEs are key to
maintaining growth in economies but they have major
challenges that are often aggravated by their
relative size and small operational footprints. SMEs
form a significant economic force in many economies
including Ireland where this empirical study was
undertaken. Learning networks are mechanisms that
have been developed to assist SMEs in capability-
building. Research in capability-building has been
conducted in large firms but somewhat neglected in
SMEs. A literature review led to the
development of a conceptual framework and a cross-
case study analysis was carried out to robustly test
this framework. It focused on the Polymer and
Refrigeration industries in Ireland to investigate
how and why firms differed in their capability-
building acquisition while participating in a
learning network. The findings show that
participation in a learning network catalyses
capability-building in SMEs.
that influence the stability and future development
of SMEs. This publication explores how learning
networks help SMEs develop capabilities by resolving
their resource limitations. SMEs are key to
maintaining growth in economies but they have major
challenges that are often aggravated by their
relative size and small operational footprints. SMEs
form a significant economic force in many economies
including Ireland where this empirical study was
undertaken. Learning networks are mechanisms that
have been developed to assist SMEs in capability-
building. Research in capability-building has been
conducted in large firms but somewhat neglected in
SMEs. A literature review led to the
development of a conceptual framework and a cross-
case study analysis was carried out to robustly test
this framework. It focused on the Polymer and
Refrigeration industries in Ireland to investigate
how and why firms differed in their capability-
building acquisition while participating in a
learning network. The findings show that
participation in a learning network catalyses
capability-building in SMEs.