During the past several decades the electronics devices have been rapidly developed. Generally, energy storage devices for the mobile electronics are categorized into two kinds of battery, i.e. primary and secondary battery. However, the secondary battery is better than primary battery in the viewpoint of economy and environment. There are several kinds of secondary battery for the portable electronic device, such as nickel cadmium (Ni-Cd), nickel metal hybrid and lithium ion. Among these, lithium ion battery has longer cycle life, lower self-discharge rate and higher energy density than Ni-Cd, and Ni-MH secondary battery. They have become the dominant power source for cell phones, digital cameras, laptops etc., because of their superior energy density. The energy density of a rechargeable battery is determined by the specific capacity of electrodes and the working voltage of the cell, which is the differential potential between the cathode and anode. In this work, the synthesis and characterization of cathode material was discussed.
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