The study deals with Linguistic Feedback/FB (see Wiener/48, Fries/52 and Allwood/93) which falls within the domain of cultural description. FB can be described like this: when a speaker performs a linguistic action which requires a response from a receiver, the given response has an important function for the speaker. When a receiver does not give a coherent or clear response, the sender sees that the receiver is experiencing some problem(s) that deserves to be dealt with. By increasing awareness of the significance of FB, we may hope to understand better problems in communication between cultures. The present study focuses on verbal FB actions and discusses briefly non-verbal FB actions. The following aspects are central in the study: -FB expressions in spoken Arabic -Semantic & pragmatic analysis of FB actions -Studies of six kinds of conversation & a form of communication. The study involves sociolinguistic FB variations which will be described for each individual in conversation, all data were recorded in Jeddah (Kingdom of Saudi Arabia). The description will be supported with tables and selected examples from the data connected with (FB) which related to each social variant