Cerebral Palsy is the term to describing the group of conditions characterized by motor dysfunction due to non-progressive brain deficit early in life. As it affects the various systems of the body especially Brain damage, Cerebral Palsy may also be responsible for sensory defects like vision, hearing abnormalities, language and aberration of perception. Perceptual defects like agnosia. The damage to brain mainly insults the motor system, which is composed of many parts like pyramidal, extra pyramidal and Cerebellar tracts. They may get damaged individually or together giving rise to various types of Cerebral Palsy namely spastic, dystonic, ataxic and mixed. As it affects the child s development, A Teamwork of expert professional were essential for rehabilitation. The team includes the medical consultants in pediatrics, neurology, ophthalmology, orthopedics , dentists and psychiatrist, Physiotherapists, Occupational therapists, speech therapists, teachers, nurses and social workers, for an effective rehabilitation for the child with cerebral palsy. This Books is an attempt to explain anatomical and physiological aspects, various forms, Diagnosis & Rehabilitation of CP.