The last few years have seen enormous progress in terms of our understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of cervical cancer (particularly with respect to the role of human papillomaviruses), and this has opened up new avenues for prevention. Additionally, there have been further refinements of existing technologies for cervical cancer control. To read about the state of the art on cervical cancer, health professionals have to locate individual articles and reviews of specific topics. In recognition of this, we propose to produce a book that will bring together in one place reviews of the contribution of descriptive and analytical epidemiological research to our understanding of cervical cancer etiology, as well as research on the application of that knowledge (plus knowledge gained from basic science investigations) to prevention through screening, chemoprevention, and vaccine development. The proposed book will include authoritative reviews by scientists working on the disciplines that are pertinent to the topic of the epidemiology and prevention of cervical cancer.
"In this book, Drs. Rohan and Shah have produced a comprehensive treatment of the evidence relating to cervical cancer etiology and prevention. They have done so by assembling a team of leading cervical cancer researchers who have addressed the biology and natural history of human papillomavirus infection and cervical cancer, as well as the etiology of cervical cancer, approaches to its prevention, and the policy issues relating to implementation of preventive strategies. The book is very timely in that it synthesizes the substantial advances in knowledge of these topics that have taken place in recent years, advances that put us on the threshold of a new era in cervical cancer prevention and control." (Harald zur Hausen, M.D., D.Sc.)