STUDY OF UNHEALTHY CERVIX BY CERVICOVAGINAL CYTOLOGY[BETHESDA SYSTEM] IN DEVELOPING COUNTRIES LIKE INDIA. TARGETED GROUPS WERE FEMALES OF REPRODUCTIVE AGE GROUPS WITH CLINICAL SYMPTOMS LIKE VAGINAL DISCHARGE, PAIN IN ABDOMEN,BACKACHE,PER-VAGINAL BLEEDING ETC. Preventable but not prevented . This is the reality of cervical cancer today, at least in the developing countries like India. It is the commonest cancer affecting women in the age group 35 to 65 yrs. 80% of all the cases of cancer cervix, occur in the developing world. India accounts for 18% of the total burden.Cytology are proven tested tools for making an early diagnosis and treating it in a stage where 100% cure rates are known. So cytology is a simple, inexpensive diagnostic tool suitable for implementation in India .