Main description:
Knowledge of thc chemical behavior of trace compounds in the atmosphere has grown steadily, and sometimes even spectacularly, in recent decades. These developments have led to the emergence of atmospheric chemistry as a new branch of science. This book covers all aspects of atmospheric chemistry on a global scale, integrating information from chemistry and geochemistry, physics, and biology to provide a unified account. For each atmospheric constituent of interest, the text summarizes the principal observations on global distribution, chemical reactions, natural and anthropogenic sources, and physical removal processes. Coverage includes processes in the gas phase, in aerosols and c1ouds, and in precipitation, as well as biogeochemical cycles and the evolution of the atmosphere. Chemistry of the Natural Atmosphere, Second Edition, will serve as a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate courses, and as an essential reference for atmospheric chemists, meteorologists, and anyone studying the biogeochemical cycles of trace gases.
- Updated extensively from the highly respected first edition
- Treats the global-scale chemistry and distribution of atmospheric trace constituents
- Emphasizes observations and their interpretation
- Provides background on transport and reaction kinetics for interpretation of observational data
- Includes chemistry in the gas phase and in aerosols and clouds
- Details chemical reaction pathways for the most important trace constituents
- Describes pertinent biogeochemical cycles
- Written by an author with more than 40 years of research experience in atmospheric chemistry
Review quote:
"...a remarkable update to the first edition. With more than 500 references, it presents the most current scientific understanding of atmospheric processes in great detail and in a very comprehensive and illustrative of the best references available for atmospheric chemistry, covering all subjects of interest..."
-K. Baumann, Georgia Institute of Technology, for AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
"Warneck closely follows the outline of the first edition, but he uses this opportunity to both discuss new developments and identify areas where more work is needed. This book should be useful to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and researchers in the atmospheric sciences as well as scientists in related areas. Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through professionals; two-year technical program students."
--H. E. Pence, SUNY, for CHOICE
"...the author has largely rewritten the book to include new information and better conform to SI units. The 12 chapters begin with basic atmosphere structure, photochemical processes, and then cover ozone, hydrocarbons, aerosols, sulfur, the geochemistry of CO2, and ends with atmosphere eveolution. The appendix includes 228 pages of citations. The book was written to provide reference for graduate students and could also serve as a text. It would be useful as well to those working in a variety of physical sciences."
Table of contents:
Bulk Composition, Structure, and Dynamics of the Atmosphere. Photochemical Processes and Elementary Reactions. Chemistry of the Stratosphere. Chemistry of the Troposphere: The Methane Oxidation Cycle. Ozone in the Troposphere. Hydrocarbons, Halocarbons, and Other Volatile Organic Compounds. The Atmospheric Aerosol. Chemistry of Clouds and Precipitation. Nitrogen Compounds in the Troposphere. Sulfur Compounds in the Atmosphere. Geochemistry of Carbon Dioxide. The Evolution of the Atmosphere. References. Appendix: Supplementary Tables.
Knowledge of thc chemical behavior of trace compounds in the atmosphere has grown steadily, and sometimes even spectacularly, in recent decades. These developments have led to the emergence of atmospheric chemistry as a new branch of science. This book covers all aspects of atmospheric chemistry on a global scale, integrating information from chemistry and geochemistry, physics, and biology to provide a unified account. For each atmospheric constituent of interest, the text summarizes the principal observations on global distribution, chemical reactions, natural and anthropogenic sources, and physical removal processes. Coverage includes processes in the gas phase, in aerosols and c1ouds, and in precipitation, as well as biogeochemical cycles and the evolution of the atmosphere. Chemistry of the Natural Atmosphere, Second Edition, will serve as a textbook for senior undergraduate and graduate courses, and as an essential reference for atmospheric chemists, meteorologists, and anyone studying the biogeochemical cycles of trace gases.
- Updated extensively from the highly respected first edition
- Treats the global-scale chemistry and distribution of atmospheric trace constituents
- Emphasizes observations and their interpretation
- Provides background on transport and reaction kinetics for interpretation of observational data
- Includes chemistry in the gas phase and in aerosols and clouds
- Details chemical reaction pathways for the most important trace constituents
- Describes pertinent biogeochemical cycles
- Written by an author with more than 40 years of research experience in atmospheric chemistry
Review quote:
"...a remarkable update to the first edition. With more than 500 references, it presents the most current scientific understanding of atmospheric processes in great detail and in a very comprehensive and illustrative of the best references available for atmospheric chemistry, covering all subjects of interest..."
-K. Baumann, Georgia Institute of Technology, for AGRICULTURAL AND FOREST METEOROLOGY
"Warneck closely follows the outline of the first edition, but he uses this opportunity to both discuss new developments and identify areas where more work is needed. This book should be useful to graduate students, postdoctoral fellows, and researchers in the atmospheric sciences as well as scientists in related areas. Recommended. Upper-division undergraduates through professionals; two-year technical program students."
--H. E. Pence, SUNY, for CHOICE
"...the author has largely rewritten the book to include new information and better conform to SI units. The 12 chapters begin with basic atmosphere structure, photochemical processes, and then cover ozone, hydrocarbons, aerosols, sulfur, the geochemistry of CO2, and ends with atmosphere eveolution. The appendix includes 228 pages of citations. The book was written to provide reference for graduate students and could also serve as a text. It would be useful as well to those working in a variety of physical sciences."
Table of contents:
Bulk Composition, Structure, and Dynamics of the Atmosphere. Photochemical Processes and Elementary Reactions. Chemistry of the Stratosphere. Chemistry of the Troposphere: The Methane Oxidation Cycle. Ozone in the Troposphere. Hydrocarbons, Halocarbons, and Other Volatile Organic Compounds. The Atmospheric Aerosol. Chemistry of Clouds and Precipitation. Nitrogen Compounds in the Troposphere. Sulfur Compounds in the Atmosphere. Geochemistry of Carbon Dioxide. The Evolution of the Atmosphere. References. Appendix: Supplementary Tables.