Children around the world are confronted with a multitude of challenges. One of them which is the focus of this book is parental divorce. Children s experiences of divorce in Botswana are analysed through the social construction of childhood framework. The book provides a unique synthesis of children s experiences with particular attention to children s own perspectives. An informed consideration of children s experiences of divorce in a semi-developed country raises a number of questions: - What is it like to be a child whose parents have divorced? - What challenges do such children face? - How do children cope with divorce and related changes? - What opportunities, strengths and resources do children possess? - How could children be empowered to cope with parental divorce? These questions, along with others are addressed in children s experiences of divorce in Botswana. The book is essentail reading for academics, students, and practitioners in the fields of social work, counselling, psychology, sociology and family studies.