"As a China consultant and academic whose interest in China goes as far back as 1952, I was delighted to be asked to write an introduction to "China and Cyberspace", a detailed and very up-to-date report on the development of the Chinese national information infrastructure, succinctly presented in this book by Manuel Fries. I had the pleasure of first meeting Manuel Fries in Beijing, where he undertook research for this book. Mr. Fries, who speaks fluent Chinese, mingled with ease with Chinese bureaucrats and private entre-preneurs in order to obtain the information for this publication. No doubt, this skill comes from both his training and his extensive research experience. This ideal combination allowed him to compile the vital background information on China's current communications industry, which is at the centre of this book. Much of the detailed information contained in this volume is not readily available in any form and therefore fills a vital gap as a reference tool for anybody who seeks vital information about China in Cyberspace. The appended bibliography is also of vital use for this purpose. I am delighted to be able to recommend this publication to all readers who have an interest in contem-porary China and its rapid progress in information technology." Dr. Wolfgang Frick