China's integration in the world economy is perceived as one of the major events in the world economy in recent decades. As a result of the large inflow of foreign direct investment (FDI), China has become one of the leading trade nations worldwide. China's opening to the outside world, privatization of state-owned enterprises, urban and rural industrial development, and pursuit of economic plus ecological policies (green GDP) are presented as key elements of the so-called socialist market economy of Chinese origin. The situation in China tends to present some very contradictory features: in terms of GDP per capita, China still belongs to the group of developing countries but, on the other hand, Chinese enterprises are set to become highly competitive - and active in the international business arena.
"China and the World Economy" is a topic-oriented edition of the bi-annual journal, Berliner China-Hefte/Chinese History and Society, which analyzes issues related to China's integration in the world economy and the related impacts. Employing interdisciplinary approaches, the authors ask whether the driving force of global economic trends will lead to profound changes, not only in foreign and domestic business, but also in China's overall economic and societal development: what kinds of new trends can be identified, for example, in the fields of investment, innovation, trade and finance? How are institutional, regional and/or environmental changes observed at global and domestic levels? And, consequently, how do these trends introduce new analytical perspectives on China's economic rise after three decades of reform?
"China and the World Economy" is a topic-oriented edition of the bi-annual journal, Berliner China-Hefte/Chinese History and Society, which analyzes issues related to China's integration in the world economy and the related impacts. Employing interdisciplinary approaches, the authors ask whether the driving force of global economic trends will lead to profound changes, not only in foreign and domestic business, but also in China's overall economic and societal development: what kinds of new trends can be identified, for example, in the fields of investment, innovation, trade and finance? How are institutional, regional and/or environmental changes observed at global and domestic levels? And, consequently, how do these trends introduce new analytical perspectives on China's economic rise after three decades of reform?