Donald C. Clarke is a professor at the George Washington University Law School in Washington DC. His work focuses on legal institutions, law and economic reform, and law and social change in China.
Editor's introduction: the Chinese legal system since 1995. Steady
development and striking continuities Donald C. Clarke; 1. Legislating for
a market economy in China Donald C. Clarke, Commentary by Zhang Xianchu; 2.
New hope for corporate governance in China? James V. Feinerman, Commentary
by Tang Xin; 3. China's courts: restricted reform Benjamin L. Liebman,
Commentary by Shen Kui; 4. Principals and secret agents: Central vs. local
control over policing and obstacles to 'Rule of Law' in China Murray Scot
Tanner and Eric Green, Commentary by He Weifang; 5. Transforming family law
in Post-Deng China: marriage, divorce and reproduction Michael Palmer,
Commentary by Fu Hauling; 6. China and the international legal system:
challenges of participation Pitman B. Potter, Commentary by James Li
Zhaojie; 7. Trade, investment and beyond: the impact of WTO accession on
the Chinese legal system Julia Ya Qin, Commentary by Huang Dongli.