Derived from the renowned, Encyclopedia of Reagents for OrganicSynthesis (EROS), the related editors have created a new handbookwhich focuses on chiral reagents used in asymmetric synthesis andis designed for the chemist at the bench. This new handbook followsthe same format as the Encyclopedia, including an introduction andan alphabetical arrangement of the reagents.
As chiral reagents are the key for the successful asymmetricsynthesis, choosing the right reagents is essential, in this handyreference the editors give details on how to prepare, store and usethe reagents as well as providing key reactions to demonstratewhere reagents have been successfully used.
Comprehensive information on 226 reagents
Covers 64 reagents which were not included in EROS
All information in one easy to use volume - at anaffordable price
All reagents included will be added to e-EROS - pleasevisit the site where you can gain access to over 50,000 reactionsand 3,800 of the most frequently consulted reagents.
As chiral reagents are the key for the successful asymmetricsynthesis, choosing the right reagents is essential, in this handyreference the editors give details on how to prepare, store and usethe reagents as well as providing key reactions to demonstratewhere reagents have been successfully used.
Comprehensive information on 226 reagents
Covers 64 reagents which were not included in EROS
All information in one easy to use volume - at anaffordable price
All reagents included will be added to e-EROS - pleasevisit the site where you can gain access to over 50,000 reactionsand 3,800 of the most frequently consulted reagents.
"...a useful volume to have in your library..." (Organic Process Research & Dev)
"The aim of this handbook is to provide indispensable informationabout many of the optically active reagents and catalysts presentlyin use." ( Journal of the American Chemistry Society ,Volume 126, No. 14, 2004)
"...a useful volume to have in your library..." ( OrganicProcess Research & Dev )
"...this handbook has much to recommend outstandingcollection of key information on important chiral reagents..."( Angewandte Chemie , 43, 2004)
"...a useful volume to have in your library..." ( OrganicProcess Research & Dev )
"...this handbook has much to recommend outstandingcollection of key information on important chiral reagents..."( Angewandte Chemie , 43, 2004)