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  • Gebundenes Buch

When the Tooting family find a vast abandoned engine and fit it to their camper van, they have no idea of the adventure that lies ahead. The engine used to belong to an extraordinary flying car - and it wants to be back on the road again . . . fast! The Tootings can haul on the steering wheel and pull the handbrake as hard as they like, but their camper van now has a mind of her own. It's not long before they're hurtling along on a turbocharged chase as Chitty tracks down her long-lost bodywork. But there are sinister forces at work too. When it comes to a car as special as Chitty, everybody wants a piece of her . . .…mehr

When the Tooting family find a vast abandoned engine and fit it to their camper van, they have no idea of the adventure that lies ahead. The engine used to belong to an extraordinary flying car - and it wants to be back on the road again . . . fast! The Tootings can haul on the steering wheel and pull the handbrake as hard as they like, but their camper van now has a mind of her own. It's not long before they're hurtling along on a turbocharged chase as Chitty tracks down her long-lost bodywork. But there are sinister forces at work too. When it comes to a car as special as Chitty, everybody wants a piece of her . . .
Frank Cottrell Boyce, geboren 1959, schreibt Kinderbücher und hat sich außerdem als Drehbuchautor einen Namen gemacht, mit Filmen wie "Hilary und Jackie" und "Welcome to Sarajevo". Mit seiner kinderreichen Familie lebt F.C. Boyce in Liverpool. Für seine Bücher hat er bereits zahlreiche Preise erhalten, u. a. im Jahr 2015 den James Krüss Preis für internationale Kinder- und Jugendliteratur.

Ian Fleming, geboren 1908 in London als Sohn eines Bankiers, Studium der Paychologie in München und Genf. 1933 Korrespondent für die Nachrichtenagentur Reuters nach Moskau, im Zweiten Weltkrieges hochrangiger Verbindungsoffizier beim britischen Geheimdienst. 1952 erschuf er die legendäre Heldenfigur des Geheimagenten James Bond, am 13. April 1953 erschien mit "Casino Royale" der erste Roman dieser Erfolgsserie, gesamt wurden 14 Bond-Romane verfasst. Der Autor verstarb 1964.