Currently, more and more attention is being paid to the study of risk factors for cholesteatoma recurrence after surgery, in order to influence the therapeutic and postoperative surveillance strategy. Based on our results, we have tried to present an algorithm for surveillance of operated ears taking into account the predictive factors of recurrence and the new imaging techniques available in order to improve the results of closed tympanoplasty in the treatment of cholesteatoma otitis media. We report a study on the predictive factors of recurrence after closed technique surgery on 138 cases operated for a period of 12 years. Of the variables studied, only three were confirmed by a multivariate study with logistic regression: aspiration of cholesteatoma flakes at the initial examination (OR=13.8), the presence of cholesteatoma at the ad-antrum with a risk (OR=10.7) and the eburnated aspect of the mastoid intraoperatively (OR=7.4). Nou