From the reviews:
"Anyone with a serious interest in Locke will be stimulated ... . Nuovo brings to the study of Locke a sensitivity to theological nuance and to the varieties of Christian doctrine which is rare in this day and age ... . serve as countervailing evidence for those who continue to imagine a thoroughly modern Mr. Locke, who engaged with the world in the secular liberal terms of a Rawls. ... Taken as a whole, Professor Nuovo's book succeeds quite splendidly ... ." (Timothy Stanton, Locke Studies)
"Anyone with a serious interest in Locke will be stimulated ... . Nuovo brings to the study of Locke a sensitivity to theological nuance and to the varieties of Christian doctrine which is rare in this day and age ... . serve as countervailing evidence for those who continue to imagine a thoroughly modern Mr. Locke, who engaged with the world in the secular liberal terms of a Rawls. ... Taken as a whole, Professor Nuovo's book succeeds quite splendidly ... ." (Timothy Stanton, Locke Studies)