The book at your disposer aims at convincing Christians that politics is not a dirty game as insinuated and misconstrued, it calls on them to participate. That Politics remains the hope of a better Nigeria and Church, if engaged and played by genuine Christian political gladiators. The book also aims at describing what politics is, and prescribing a biblical model that can be embraced by Christian progressive thinkers in the contemporary society.The book explored the concept of politics in the Old and New Testaments towards challenging Christians into radical participation in politics. Considering low Christian participation in politics, factors militating against Christian participation in politics, the book highlights the dangers of Christian laxity or nonchalant attitude towards politics and recommends ways Christians can be better participants in politics. The book vehemently opposes the notion that Christian should not be involved in politics because it is a dirty game, but further challenges Christians to maintain Christian standards in governance, thus, bringing the desired change of good governance in the entire nation.