Christine de Pizan (ca. 1364-ca. 1430)-whether read as lyric poet, prose polemicist or historian, feminist or universal moralist-has over the past thirty years become more widely read than any other medieval French author. The attraction of her works continues to grow amongst the general public, as well as among critics and historians of literature, ideas, science and the visual arts, political scientists and philologists, and specialists in feminist theory. Christine intrigues readers by her intellectual paradoxes as much as by her prefiguration of modern attitudes by and toward women.
This collection of essays honours Angus J. Kennedy, an illustrious scholar who has greatly contributed to fostering this modern growth in interest. The editors here present a significant sampling of varieties of inquiry on Christine: a broad range of contributors, from around the world, represent different approaches and levels of experience. The volume contains two indexes, and a bibliography structured to serve as an integrated and integral reference source to pertinent primary and secondary materials.
This volume thus charts the progress of Christine de Pizan studies at the start of the new millennium. True to the spirit of its honoree, it also aims to serve as a gateway to future research.
Table of contents:
John CAMPBELL: Angus J. Kennedy
Angus J. Kennedy: List of Publications
Nadia MARGOLIS: Christine at 600
Part 1. "Le stile a moy naturel": Language, Poetics, Style
Barbara K. ALTMANN: Through the Byways of Lyric and Narrative: The Voiage d'oultremer in the Ballade Cycles of Christine de Pizan
Rosalind BROWN-GRANT: Christine de Pizan: Feminist Linguist avant la lettre?
Peter V. DAVIES: "Si bas suis qu'a peine / Releveray": Christine de Pizan's Use of Enjambement
Liliane DULAC: Quelques éléments d'une poétique de l'exemple dans le Corps de policie
Andrea W. TARNOWSKI: Perspectives on the Advision
Jane H. M. TAYLOR: Mimesis Meets Artifice: Two Lyrics by Christine de Pizan
Part 2. "Ficcions delictables et morales": Thematics and Topics
Glynnis M. CROPP: Christine de Pizan and Alexander the Great
Thelma S. FENSTER: Christine at Carnant: Reading Christine de Pizan Reading Chrétien de Troyes's Erec et Enide
Bernard RIBÉMONT: Christine de Pizan et la figure de la mère
Kenneth VARTY: Christine's Guided Tour of the Sale Merveilleuse: On Reactions to Reading and Being Guided round Mediaeval Murals in Real and Imaginary Buildings
Part 3. Courts, Convents and Codices: Creative Milieux
Gilbert OUY & Christine M. RENO. Où mène le Chemin de long estude? Christine de Pizan, Ambrogio Migli, et les ambitions impériales de Louis d'Orléans (A propos du ms. BNF fr. 1643)
Earl Jeffrey RICHARDS: Christine de Pizan and Jean Gerson: An Intellectual Friendship
Charity CANNON WILLARD: The Dominican Abbey of Poissy in 1400
Part 4. "Le ventre de la mémoire": Sources, Influences, Reception
Eric Hicks: Excerpts and Originality: Authorial Purposein the Fais et bonnes meurs
James C. LAIDLAW: Maurice Roy (1856-1932)
Nadia Margolis: The Poem's Progress: Christine's Autres Balades no. 42 and the Fortunes of a Text
Gianni Mombello: Pour la réception de Christine de Pizan en Italie: L'Arte del Rimare de Giovanni M. Barbieri
Lori WALTERS: "Translating" Petrarch: Cité des dames II.7.1, Jean Daudin, and Vernacular Authority
General Bibliography
Index of Manuscripts
General Index
Notes on Contributors
This collection of essays honours Angus J. Kennedy, an illustrious scholar who has greatly contributed to fostering this modern growth in interest. The editors here present a significant sampling of varieties of inquiry on Christine: a broad range of contributors, from around the world, represent different approaches and levels of experience. The volume contains two indexes, and a bibliography structured to serve as an integrated and integral reference source to pertinent primary and secondary materials.
This volume thus charts the progress of Christine de Pizan studies at the start of the new millennium. True to the spirit of its honoree, it also aims to serve as a gateway to future research.
Table of contents:
John CAMPBELL: Angus J. Kennedy
Angus J. Kennedy: List of Publications
Nadia MARGOLIS: Christine at 600
Part 1. "Le stile a moy naturel": Language, Poetics, Style
Barbara K. ALTMANN: Through the Byways of Lyric and Narrative: The Voiage d'oultremer in the Ballade Cycles of Christine de Pizan
Rosalind BROWN-GRANT: Christine de Pizan: Feminist Linguist avant la lettre?
Peter V. DAVIES: "Si bas suis qu'a peine / Releveray": Christine de Pizan's Use of Enjambement
Liliane DULAC: Quelques éléments d'une poétique de l'exemple dans le Corps de policie
Andrea W. TARNOWSKI: Perspectives on the Advision
Jane H. M. TAYLOR: Mimesis Meets Artifice: Two Lyrics by Christine de Pizan
Part 2. "Ficcions delictables et morales": Thematics and Topics
Glynnis M. CROPP: Christine de Pizan and Alexander the Great
Thelma S. FENSTER: Christine at Carnant: Reading Christine de Pizan Reading Chrétien de Troyes's Erec et Enide
Bernard RIBÉMONT: Christine de Pizan et la figure de la mère
Kenneth VARTY: Christine's Guided Tour of the Sale Merveilleuse: On Reactions to Reading and Being Guided round Mediaeval Murals in Real and Imaginary Buildings
Part 3. Courts, Convents and Codices: Creative Milieux
Gilbert OUY & Christine M. RENO. Où mène le Chemin de long estude? Christine de Pizan, Ambrogio Migli, et les ambitions impériales de Louis d'Orléans (A propos du ms. BNF fr. 1643)
Earl Jeffrey RICHARDS: Christine de Pizan and Jean Gerson: An Intellectual Friendship
Charity CANNON WILLARD: The Dominican Abbey of Poissy in 1400
Part 4. "Le ventre de la mémoire": Sources, Influences, Reception
Eric Hicks: Excerpts and Originality: Authorial Purposein the Fais et bonnes meurs
James C. LAIDLAW: Maurice Roy (1856-1932)
Nadia Margolis: The Poem's Progress: Christine's Autres Balades no. 42 and the Fortunes of a Text
Gianni Mombello: Pour la réception de Christine de Pizan en Italie: L'Arte del Rimare de Giovanni M. Barbieri
Lori WALTERS: "Translating" Petrarch: Cité des dames II.7.1, Jean Daudin, and Vernacular Authority
General Bibliography
Index of Manuscripts
General Index
Notes on Contributors