Die sich wandelnden gesellschaftlichen Bedingungen, darunter zunehmende kulturelle und religiöse Vielfalt in Schulen sowie die politische Instrumentalisierung des islamischen Glaubens, erfordern eine eingehende Erforschung neuer, kontextsensibler Modelle im Rahmen des Religionsunterrichts. Der vorliegende Band widmet sich der Untersuchung des Konzepts des Christlich-Islamischen Teamteachings, bei dem Schüler_innen sowohl der katholischen als auch der islamischen Lerngruppen gemeinsam von ihren jeweiligen Lehrkräften unterrichtet werden. Der Fokus liegt auf den Kommunikations- und Interaktionssituationen im Unterricht sowie auf der Rolle der Lehrkräfte. Besonderes Interesse gilt der Frage, inwieweit sich diese als Vertreter_innen ihrer Religion positionieren und wie die Schüler_innen auf dieses spezifische Unterrichtsszenario und die individuellen Ausprägungen religiöser Überzeugungen reagieren.
The changing social conditions - such as increasing cultural and religious heterogeneity in schools, political instrumentalization of the Islamic religion - make it necessary to conduct research on new, context-sensitive models within the framework of religious education. This dissertation examines Christian-Islamic-Teamteaching in which students from both Catholic and Islamic study groups were taught together by their respective teachers. The focus lies on communicative and interactive situations in the classroom and on the role of the teachers. Of particular interest is the extent to which they position themselves as representatives of their religion and how the students react to this specific setting and to the different individual styles of religiosity with regard to their communicative behavior.
The changing social conditions - such as increasing cultural and religious heterogeneity in schools, political instrumentalization of the Islamic religion - make it necessary to conduct research on new, context-sensitive models within the framework of religious education. This dissertation examines Christian-Islamic-Teamteaching in which students from both Catholic and Islamic study groups were taught together by their respective teachers. The focus lies on communicative and interactive situations in the classroom and on the role of the teachers. Of particular interest is the extent to which they position themselves as representatives of their religion and how the students react to this specific setting and to the different individual styles of religiosity with regard to their communicative behavior.