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This book is all the sermons I heard coming from the pulpit of the Church. Messages from the sermons could mean many things to people according to each person's walk with God, meaning in all theses there is always a still voice of the Holy Spirit who speaks specifically to current situation and or your walk with God according to the purpose in which God has called you. I always had a desire in my heart to share that word of God to people who wants to hear him. I know with reading of this book you will be edified. There is no meaning to life unless it is purpose driven. Have a fulfilled life as…mehr

This book is all the sermons I heard coming from the pulpit of the Church. Messages from the sermons could mean many things to people according to each person's walk with God, meaning in all theses there is always a still voice of the Holy Spirit who speaks specifically to current situation and or your walk with God according to the purpose in which God has called you. I always had a desire in my heart to share that word of God to people who wants to hear him. I know with reading of this book you will be edified. There is no meaning to life unless it is purpose driven. Have a fulfilled life as he speaks to you as he did with me. We must learn to listen to that still voice of God. What I have written, is all about that still voice of God coming from the many man or Prophets of God. 10/17/19 The book contains a series of messages that came from the Pulpit while I was attending Metrotabernale, a church in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Being a Human Resources practitioner specialising people management, I realise people are a sum total of what they think. Attitudes and behaviour are a result of their past experience and or based on the cultures. The value system and prejudices are based on the thought process that has been accumulated over the years. The only way to change this if it wrong, is to know your creator and the purpose for which you are created. Roman 8 verses 28-30 28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who[i] have been called according to his purpose. 29 For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers and sisters. 30 And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified. We are called according to his purpose, we are predestined, we are justified and we will also be glorified This book will help to find that purpose for a fulfilled life. Our life is not our own but for others who God places in our life. This book will help those who are searching their God given purpose. It will also help as a guide to Christians or Preachers who need guidance to preach the word of God. We are all not perfect including me. This book will help us walk this life towards perfection until that day. 2 Timothy 4 verse 7 7 I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith. Chronicle with God, will help you to fight a good fight, finish the race while you keep your faith.
Currently since 2008 the Area Director of Human Resources-Industrial Relations for Shangri-La Hotel and Resorts, Malaysia.(based in Shangri-la, Kuala Lumpur.) Basically overseas Industrial Relations operations in Malaysia Has been involved in Industrial Relations line for 37 years He holds Bachelor's Degree in Science with a Postgraduate Diploma in Human Resources Management and Industrial Relations. -President, AHE, Association of Hotel Employers -Council member MEF (Malaysian Employers Federation) -Board member MEF Academy -Member of National labor Advisory Council (appointment by the Minister of Human Resources) -Certified trainer for many programs