Legumes are consumed whole as food in many parts of the world because of their high protein contents up to 50 % in comparison to other crops. Cicer arietinum and Vigna mungo are important legumes because of source of vegetable oil, food, cooked or eaten as pulses and split peas and Ground into flour for cooking.Another most important characteristic is that they have the ability to absorb nitrogen from the air. Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is the third important food legume of the world grown in 40 countries over an area of about 11.2 million hectares, with production of 9.2 million tons and average yield of 818 kg/ha. Vigna mungo (Mash) is very nutritious and is recommended for diabetics, as are other pulses. The study is consists of two parts & first part involving targeting of Ca-AFP gene in different varieties of chickpea and mash while second part comprised of anti fungal assays of total proteins extracts from all the plants under study.